
I ate pizza for dinner.

Three-day-old pepperoni pizza, with shreds of tin foil stuck to the bottom.

Need I say that Corey is on another business trip?

We ate “dinner” while the baby screamed. I think I heard her sob, “Teeth are not worth this! Fie on life in general!” But I could be wrong.

Dinner was pinched and weary. The older kids and I ate our soggy meal in strained conversation, even after the baby ended the crying jag.

Then, without warning, the evening turned.

The kids ate all their carrots and grapes without whining, which earned them a treat – ice cream, of course. I settled Teyla back into the high chair so she could sample oatmeal cereal and pureed apples. Connor laughed hysterically at her screwed up expressions. She, in turn, beamed at him, her favorite big brother.

I suggested we load Teyla into the stroller for an after dinner walk. We grabbed stale hamburger buns to feed the geese that sometimes loiter at the neighborhood pond and hit the sidewalk.

It was a perfect summer evening. The air felt like a down comforter – warm and snuggly
on my skin. The sky was cloudless, the setting sun throwing stripes of peach and fuchsia in the azure sky. The kids laughed and nibbled on the geese’s bread as they walked. The baby gazed around at the world with knowing eyes. “Ahhh, yes. Paradise. I remember it well.”

And just like that, everything was right with the world again.


  1. Perfect Summer evenings are my FAVORITE!! So glad you were able to sample paradise again tonight.

  2. I love it when, against all odds, you end up turning it around and having a good day.

    That's somehow even better than just having a good day, you know?

  3. Oh, those moments are wonderful. And now I want some pizza...


  4. Your cooking experiences sound akin to mine....
    When my husband is gone it is frozen pizza and cereal and half the time I forget to take the cardboard off from behind the pizza!

  5. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Beautiful evenings - amazing transformations. Life's full of 'em when you know where and how to look, huh?

  6. Life with kids is so funny that way! Things can go from bad to good with just a silly laugh and some ice cream. Maybe that is what I need to do with my teens...

  7. That sounds like a great end to an evening. Your kiddos are so cute!

  8. Wow beautiful moment!

  9. My most recent post was about the same kind of thing. Isn't it great when a day turns around.

    By the way, my first thought when you described dinner was, "oh her husband must be out of town again."

  10. "air felt like a down comforter"--Oh, doesn't it. I love these nights when the air could not feel more perfect.

  11. Jordan is teething right now and very miserable. But, those stroller rides really do help.

  12. What a great picture of frustration turned to contentment. I think it's easy to forget our moments can turn on a dime---often for the better. Yet we expect the opposite so much of the time!

  13. Hey, Kelly. Come over to Beachy Mimi and claim your Brilliant Blog Award. Choose a few others you think are derserving and pass on the love.

  14. That's one of the great things about kids. You just never know when things will turn around. Glad you enjoyed the evening!

  15. Oh, glad I stumbled upon this post. Your writing style is absolutely beautiful. Inspiring.

  16. Ah, how wonderful these times are... when suddenly the sun starts shining again.

    Hope that baby girl is feeling better tonight.

  17. My little monkey is 7 months and her bottom two teeth are coming in at the same time! Poor little baby. But, she's keeping her sweet smile and thinks her sisters are ha-larious! She's not doing too bad through it. Little ear pulling and holding her gums, but for the most part, she's doing great.

    She's not crawling yet!! (cross fingers)!
