Link Love

I just spent the better part of the last 90 minutes catching up on my blog reading, and good night folks, there are some good writers out there.

So because it's now 11:30 PM, and I have lost will to post thanks to the brilliance of the blogosphere, here are a few great posts you should read if you haven't already.

Smoke from a Distant Fire - The QC Report
Remember that "Friends" episode when Phoebe couldn't destroy the fire detector that kept beeping for no reason? This is funnier.

Typical Baptist - Shlog (Shaun Groves)
I can't stop thinking about this one. Not only did I grow up in a Baptist church that didn't use the word "Baptist" in its name for fear of scaring the neighbors, but I went to a Baptist church in San Diego, and it took me about three years to acknowledge the full name of the church for fear of being associated with its Baptist-ness.

Confessions of a Politically Correct Journalist - Crunchy Con
Fascinating article (and discussion in the comments) about how the West should go about helping Africa, if at all. (HT Amy's Humble Musings)

A Cow and Some Chocolate
One of my favorite authors, Karma Wilson of "The Bear Snores On" fame, writes beautifully about why she supports Compassion.

Home(life) Improvement - Bean Paste
Ever wonder what lurks in the dust beneath your fridge? Melanie has the inside scoop.

A Pregnancy Fear I Never Expected
- 5 Minutes for Parenting
I literally can't stop shuddering at this story from Veronica. Warning: It involves a wolf spider.

And with that, I'll sign off. Pleasant nightmares!


  1. I know! Too many great blogs - so little time!
    So nice of you to visit my blog and comment! I was shocked because I'm a big fan of you and a total lurker. I was humbled this morning to see a visit from the likes of you. I mean that. You have such an incredible heart and way with words.
    A few posts ago you talked about alone time. If you ever get time ever again, and ever have time to visit my blog again, on the right side bar are "posts people say are nice" - there's one called "A perfectionist parent" You may feel some kinship in reading it. I feel so incredibly sheepish right now...
    I can't believe I just told you to read something of mine. aaaaah, gotta go....
    your fellow minnesotan (really muggy) blogger,

  2. I'm still thinking about that wolf spider! And the fact that I do have a belly that could be hiding things from view... eek!


  3. Thank you so much for the very thoughtful Birthday Wish! I do feel God's goodness every breath I take. I do have the best daughter ever! She has some awesome bloggy friends too.

  4. Oh this is a great idea, it is so hard to keep up on all the blogs out there. And why does time seem to speed up when I am "blog hopping"? I'm sure it goes by twice as fast as normal. Thanks for doing all the "leg work"!! I will definitely check these out....

  5. Like I need! But off I go because I can't miss a good read...

  6. Checkin out the Schlog blog now. Did I completely spell that wrong.
    First type looked horribly wrong. to see about the Baptists! :)

    Have a great evening.

  7. That's a boatload of links. Thanks, you are like your own little google. Oh, you have the cutest header ever. That is just stinking adorable.

  8. I'll probably regret it, but I'm off to find out about the wolf spider story.
