Teyla's six-month check-up was yesterday, and I'm sorry to say, the shots weren't the worst of it.
During the routine physical check, our wonderful pediatrician took an abnormally long time listening to Teyla's heart. She would stop and say, "Hmmm," and then listen some more. (Nothing like that to stop a Mom from breathing.)
In the end, she said she's hearing a "swish-thump" instead of the typical "thump-thump." Not really a murmur, just a different sound. It could very well be nothing, but as this is the first time she's heard it in Teyla, she referred us to the pediatric cardiology unit at our local children's hospital to have them check it out.
My first thought is that Teyla may have inherited a bicuspid aortic valve, which is heart defect present in my Dad. My understanding is that a bicuspid valve -- versus the normal tricuspid valve -- allows blood to leak backward into the heart's pumping chamber. It may also cause a narrowing of the artery. While it's something doctors certainly want to be aware of, it's not life-threatening. My Dad has lived with his 60+ years now. At some point, it may need to be replaced. But so far, so good.
Right now, we have an appointment with the pediatric cardiologist on Monday, August 4. Our pediatrician said they will most likely take an in-depth listen to Teyla's heart, and if they feel it's warranted, they'll do an echo cardiogram, which is non-invasive. (Whew!)
It's always scary to think something could be wrong with your baby. Certainly I've hugged Teyla a lot more since yesterday's appointment, and my stomach continues to do flip-flops when I think about the unknown. (So far, I've resisted Googling the symptoms. Plus one for me.)
But as many wonderful friends on Twitter said, heart issues are somewhat common in newborns, and they often turn out to be nothing. And as our pediatrician said, the fact that Teyla is pink and healthy and happy and growing well indicates it's not an urgent issue.
So we'll wait. But I covet your prayers -- for all of our hearts. In the end, only God can give Corey and I the peace we crave, and only He knows exactly what's going on.
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