April Fool's Day, Family Style

I've got a post over at 5 Minutes for Parenting today with gobs of ideas for family-friendly April Fool's Day pranks. (It includes a link to the story I posted last year on this date, which details the April Fool's Day I almost killed my husband. If you haven't read that before, do so. And feel sorry for me, OK? I've been married to that man for almost 16 years. Donations of Starbucks gift cards are accepted in lieu of sympathy.)

As for the house of Love Well, there's a beautiful December snowfall coming down outside my window right now -- huge flakes, cascading gently to the earth, clumping on every tree branch and grass stem I can see.

Problem is, of course, that it's April.

Wish I could say April Fool's. But unfortunately, this is just April in Minnesota. (Repeat after me: It will all be gone tomorrow. It will all be gone tomorrow. It will all be gone tomorrow.)


  1. You obviously don't have enough to do! Those pranks are way too much work!

    The on-air gal on KLOVE today said she still feels bad for last year when she was pregnant and a friend had her do a pregnancy test so the friend could trick her husband!

  2. Yay!! I just read the Geo Prizm story. I LOVE that April Fool's Day prank. I had forgotten that one from the archives! And, yes, I do feel sorry for you, especially since I, too, have been a victim of your hubby's crafty trickery. :-)
