I Need This

There are weeks when church feels more like a chore than a celebration.

Four kids. Early morning. Spilled milk. The wrong cereal. Tangled hair. Bickering and whining.

It’s a struggle to make it out the door with clothes and shoes, much less a heart dressed for worship.

There are weeks I wonder why I bother.
Can’t I worship at home?
Does God really need me to travel to a building?
Why all this work?

But then I get there and even if I only have five minutes between kids needing to know how to spell blueberry and “Mom, can I have a piece of gum?” I remember.

I need this.

I need this desperately.

I’m so dry and calloused, I can’t even tell that I’m numb.

I need this time of awakening.

The crust that seals my eyes is gently wiped away and again I see.

I see God.
I hear God.
I feel God.

He is.

Once again, I feel Him stir in my soul. I am alive with wonder and gratitude.

Oh, how I need this.


  1. Yes!!! I can so relate! When I got home yesterday, I felt so refreshed. It's truly food for the soul! God created us for cooperate worship!

  2. Yes, me too. There is that moment between wrestling kids out of the car and taking them to sunday school when the worship starts and suddenly peace filters into the chaotic corners of my heart and I too, I need this.

  3. I hear you! Not only do we as mothers need this, but our children need it. And God needs it also. Taking your children to Church with you is the best gift you can give them. You are molding their futures through examples. And trust me, the fussing and crying of babes during services is just "baby amens" and in my opinion a Church without children is a sad thing indeed.

  4. I need that too...so much! With four little children, Sunday mornings can be such a struggle, but I have to remember that worship is worth the struggle.

  5. It's not as hard for me to get to church, but I find life can get in the way (vacation, late nights, events,etc.), and give me plenty of excuses not to go. BUT, when I am there I know why it is important to worship with others and in a sanctuary. Good job getting there!

  6. Not to mention church is in the middle of nap time, depending on the age of the kids. But, the childcare at church usually makes up for that too.

  7. If I had a dime for every time there was fighting on the way to church...


    Loved this sweetness.

  8. posted this on our MOPS blog with a link back to your blog. Hope thats ok. Lovely and so true. Needed to hear it this week and sure many of our other mums would love to read it too
