Good Guys vs. Bad Guys

All day every day, my six-year-old son plays with Legos.

He builds video games and race cars and jet skis and houses with trap doors.

But his favorite things to build BY FAR are bad guys and good guys.

They often battle.

The good guys win. Usually. (Note the presence of R2D2 in the good guy line-up.)(Sorry for the lack of focus. The humidity has been brutal lately. My camera lens keeps fogging up.)

The bad guys are scary. (Connor builds good bad guys.)

Corey says Connor will grow up to be either an engineer or an arms dealer.

As long as he's a good guy, either is fine with me.


  1. It's so encouraging to see a kid playing with "real live" toys instead of virtual ones!

  2. Love it!
    And methinks Connor & Caed would get along swimmingly. He too is a build-it guy who sees the entire universe in terms of good guys vs. bad guys. Although he hasn't quite developed the talent that Connor has for building scary bad guys. :-)

  3. So interesting to see a glimpse of how our children think.

  4. My two boys L-O-V-E-D this post!! I think that I hear them going to get THEIR Legos. :-)

  5. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen in lego-land! He's quite the creative genius!!!

  6. My 7-year old hasn't played with his Legos all summer, but these pictures totally inspired him!

  7. Looks like a very creative chess game--and actually wouldn't that be fun? A chessboard of Legos. . .

    The boys would love this.
