The Hamster Dance, as Interpreted by a Toddler

I have no idea what made me think of it, but a few weeks ago, I found myself Googling "hamster dance."

Remember that video? Dee-da-dee-da-doe-doe.... It swept the online world in the late '90s. (Which probably means it swept AOL. That was eons ago in Internet time.)

Funny thing is, I couldn't find the original Hamster Dance. I could only find later versions and remixes. (Ever seen the hamsters dance to techno? It's ... well, I lack words.)

Anyway. In a perfect twist of fate, Corey and the kids got me a musical card for my birthday last week.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: The Hamster Dance Card.

Did you see the delight on Teyla's face in that video? She's in love with that card. She opens it approximately 1,374 times a day. Give or take.

But that's what I cherish about toddlers -- their utter delight with the world. And that's what I wrote about today at 5 Minutes for Parenting. If you didn't get enough two-year-old joy in that video, come join me there.


  1. So cute! And can I just say that I love all of the toys in the floor? Makes me feel better about myself! :)

  2. Ah! So cute! I'd almost forgotten about that song ... which I would have thought impossible ten years ago. amazing the changes a decade will make ...

  3. I have never heard of the hamster dance! But she is darling! Aren't you going to be coming to visit Texas soon?!

  4. Awesome! Did Corey make you delete the video of him dancing?

  5. Husband got that same card for his birthday in December. It lasted through about a week of breakings and fixings, and then it was a goner. My favorite was the dance that accompanied the music--ha!

  6. This is a staple at our house. Not the card version, the YouTube version. That and Crazy Frog. They love it. Me, I think I'm dumber now.

  7. HA! So adorable! My kids are obsessed with those cards--they assume every card must make noise or talk or sing and are in shock whenever they find one that doesn't. Ah,these 21st Century children of ours... they won't even KNOW what AOL is!

  8. LOVE the hamster dance! There's a version of it on YouTube with bad women drivers that's so hilarious I cry when I watch it:

    And I found where you could download (the original, I think):

  9. haha, i totally remember the hamster dance. my toddler would appreciate that, too. i love lil people dancing! we got our little one a tutu for christmas, and watching her in it, i can't help but be in a good mood:)

  10. Did you make it to the Hampster Dance wikipedia page? It has a link to the "original" dance ;0

  11. She's so sweet! Looks like you'll know what to get her for her own birthday now! Put a musical card in a great big empty box, and you'll have the whole toddler stage covered with the perfect combination! Lol!


  12. That was adorable and now I feel old! lol
    Yes, I do remember 'The Hamster Dance' and yes, it's still funny and contagious!
