A Day in the Life: Family Camp

I have a lengthy, packed-with-information post over at 5 Minutes for Parenting today about the rising popularity of family camps. Check it out if you're feeling particularly cerebral or you're interested in the nuts-and-bolts of what family camp is all about. This is more of an artistic recap of our week, for those of us visually inclined (or those of us who are too tired from another day at the beach to focus our brains on posts with actual words).

During a typical day at family camp, you'll probably wake up happy...

eat a great breakfast...

take a boat ride...

let the baby drive the boat...

grab your best friend and go swimming...

build a sand castle...

shoot a water gun...

catch up on some girl time whilst simultaneously catching some rays...

decide sand makes great lip gloss...

go fishing...

terrorize the fish that have been caught and thrown into a bucket ...

ride the zip line...

hook up your son, who is too young for the zip line, and let him "ride" the line that holds the gear...

make sure he tries riding upside down, like the big kids...

visit the canteen for a ring pop...

or maybe a frozen Lightning Lemonade...

play carpetball...

take a nap...

make some jewelery at the craft shack (note the necklace worthy of a preschool rap star)...

laugh out loud...

admire the clarity of Cedar Lake...

resist nibbling on pudgy toddler toes...

play the cup game (if you don't know it, I can teach you; I was a camp counselor myself at this very same camp one summer a long time ago)...

eat dinner (with a few extra children) at your favorite table...

play "Gorilla Gets the Man" at chapel...

eat s'mores....

watch a sunset...

...do it all again tomorrow.

(Or next year, as the case may be. We miss you already, family camp. And to our friends at Camp Lebanon, thank you. Once again, it was one of the best weeks of the year.)


  1. My favorite picture in this entire post is the one of Teyla terrorizing the fish. It is wonderful in so many ways, especially the shoes on the wrong feet. I love it!

  2. It is entirely too scary how big Teyla looks standing on that boat. What happened to the baby?!

    Okay, she's back, taking a nap on Mommy.

  3. How much fun was that!? Great photos! Counting down the days until next year?

  4. Family camp? Never heard of such a thing. Looks like a blast. I'm sure my kids would want to hang out with all the other kids and not their embarrassing parents.

  5. Teyla looks all grown up. What happened?? Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Kelly, that picture of Teyla sleeping on you will be a family favorite forever. So beautiful.

    And now I want to go to camp.

  7. Oh, the CUP GAME, how I miss thee! I am so, so sad I didn't make it to family camp this year. I think it's only the second summer I've missed since I was 4 or 5. Sigh...

    But thanks for sharing your pictures and helping me get a little taste!

  8. Oh my goodness, what beautiful children!

  9. Thanks for info about the post on the rising popularity of family camps. I'll check it out! And fun pics! Looks like fun was had by all.

  10. I LOVED your family camp post. We actually tried to sign up for family camp this summer and found out that they're even booked up for NEXT summer!

  11. Looks like fun!! I totally love the pic with the crocs on the wrong feet--adorable! And the breakfast? Wow! Sign me up!

  12. Oh man, carpet ball! We couldn't stop playing that game, and tether ball, at our church camp in Brainerd.

  13. Loved meeting you at family camp and look forward to getting to know you more through blogging!
