
I've been so busy reading great posts today -- like this one from Heather that talks about the real reason why she blogs, and this one from my new friend Allison who just birthed her first baby (and apparently, grew a third arm at the same time), and this one from a new blog in my reader that encouraged me to put down the computer and focus the life going on right in front of it -- that I totally forgot to tell you I have a post up at 5 Minutes for Parenting today. It's a snapshot from my day yesterday, in which my oldest daughter experienced a golden moment of truth.

(Do you appreciate that I broke up that paragraph into two whole sentences? It ain't for nothing I was called The Run-On Queen in college.)


  1. Wow. That 8th birthday brought all kinds of wisdom!

    No paycheck, but the benefits are priceless!

  2. I loved that third arm post. Hilarity.

    (Thanks for the shout out, lady)

  3. HONORED to make your blog, new friend. I can't wait for MOPS to start!
