A big piece of the rhubarb pie that's sitting on my kitchen counter.
A chance to fit 14 hours of sleep in the 8 hours I have in front of me tonight.
A sunny, warm day tomorrow. (Which isn't likely, unfortunately; it's been a cool, rainy Saturday here).
I also want to be passionate about my faith, to love my husband and children with all my heart, to enjoy God (hat tip to John Piper; I'm re-reading "Desiring God" right now) and to be thankful for life every day God grants me breath.
All valid desires. But they differ in intensity.
Authors Lisa T. Bergren and Rebecca Price get this. Their new book, "What Women Want: The Life You Crave and How God Satisfies," digs in deep to discuss what women really want -- and it's more than the ice cream sundae, the silk shirts and the beautiful flowers depicted on the colorful cover.
Obviously, each woman is unique in her longings. But during a nationwide survey, Lisa and Rebecca found a few common themes. Women all seem to want...
- inspiration and insight that lead toward a solid, growing relationship with God;
- to know love, peace and balance in life;
- to find the way to true joy, and be able to remain there;
- emotional, spiritual and physical health;
- deep friendships;
- and to have meaning and purpose.
Interested? Then leave me a comment on this post, and I'll draw a random name next Saturday, May 17. The winner will get an autographed copy of "What Women Want" for their very own.
And now, it's time for me to get some rhubarb pie. That's one desire I can fulfill tonight.