35 Weeks

I can no longer turn on my garbage disposal.

My belly is so big, it doesn't allow me to reach all the way back to the wall behind the sink to flip the switch.
(I have managed to compensate. If I stand on my tip-toes, I can get my belly ABOVE the counter and flick the switch quickly before I fall backwards and start to breath again.)

Corey looked at me last weekend and started to laugh and said, "You are just the weirdest shape right now!"

And then he took this picture, which made us both laugh for about 20 minutes.
Because, let's face it -- I am the weirdest shape. There are some things about pregnancy that are just plain bizarre.

I wrote about a few random pregnancy happenings over at 5 Minutes for Parenting today; one of them is my favorite Teyla story of the week. As for me, I'm thinking I could make up for the lack of a second ultrasound by doing a belly cast and painting it like a watermelon. Now that would be unique.


  1. ahem,

    I'm quite certain I said, "You look so incredibly beautiful." I'm shocked you instead heard "weirdest shape"...

    Must be those pregnancy-induced hormones cursing around...

  2. If it makes you feel better, my four year old just saw this from over my shoulder and said, "Is that you?" :)

    We're sporting the same shape, sister.

  3. You look great! Pregnancy is comical and magical and everything in between.

  4. I just hit 4 months. The other night I got off the couch and my husband gasped before he could catch himself. "It's just...you have so long to go..."

    Yes. Yes I do. I'll look like you do soon enough.

  5. Great googly moogly.

    You look fabulous!

  6. I think you look GREAT! Something about those pregnant bellies makes me smile!

  7. You are still thin in most areas, not so thin around the tummy area :) That is how big my tummy would get each time and I had a 9 pounder each time.

  8. It amazes me that a woman's abdomen can stretch like that and not pop!

    Forget the belly cast - aren't you gonna do a placenta bear like Missy blogged on last week?! (Ewww!)

  9. Don't pay for the cast, just have your kids paint the belly. Seriously. One of my friends did this with face paints. Her kids made it a jack-o-lantern. The pics of it were priceless. Because that is one CUTE belly.

  10. I love your belly! I took pictures like that, too, when I was pregnant. Now? Not so much. My stomach kind of folds over on itself...I could hide coins in the folds when I sit down. Oh for a little tautness....

  11. WOWZA! There's a baby in there!
    And you're a lucky gal - I start getting stretch marks about three seconds after I find out I'm pregnant. You look great!

  12. I love Gretchen's comment: "Pregnancy is comical and magical and everything in between." Some moments are totally miraculous, and others feel totally ridiculous! But you look good. :)

  13. You look amazing! Do you really not have any stretchmarks? If I didn't find you so very adorable, I'd probably hate you right now.

  14. I think you look GREAT and I think too (wait, I know it) that you will cherish these shots say, ten years from now, and you miss your little ones being little and you even miss those strange, uncomfortable pregnancy days too...

    I'm just sayin'...
