"What's that, buddy?"
"I said, TURN IT UP! It's our favorite song."
Indeed. The opening guitar riffs were just underway. So I did what any rock-and-roll Mom would do -- I cranked the tunes, wrinkled my face into a rock star scowl, instigated some moderate head-banging, and urged Connor to join in. Which he did, with gusto.
"Mom, even my banana likes this song!" yelled Connor, mid-chorus.
High praise from a four-year-old.
(Wouldn't that make a great quote to slap on the CD cover, though? "Even your bananas will find this appealing!")
(Sorry, couldn't help that one. It just slipped out.)
So. Are you curious yet? Want to know which song prompted the jam session in my Mom-mobile?
Why it's track 9 from Matt Maher's "Empty and Beautiful," of course. It's called "Shine like the Son," and you really have to hear it to understand my joy. (Go here and click on track 9. I'll wait.)
(No, seriously. You have to go listen. And be sure to catch the guitar riffs.)
To me, that song is joy. Pure joy. And not joy like the world defines joy. This is joy that only God can give. (And the world can't take it away. Name that song/group for extra points.)

As Shannon said, Matt's songs are not cotton candy. His lyrics are deep, thoughtful, rich. I love that.
But his music isn't heavy, either. It's thoughtful without being depressing and joyful without being cloying.
Like his friend Chris Tomlin (who first popularized Matt's song "Your Grace is Enough"), Matt draws much of his inspiration directly from Scripture. The opening lines to "Shine Like the Son" echo Isaiah 52:7, and the title track "Empty and Beautiful" is a twist on 2 Timothy 4:7.
You fought the fight in me.Many of his songs are destined to become Sunday morning favorites -- the upbeat "For Your Glory," for example, or the worshipful "Unwavering." I also think "Look Like a Fool" is going to rocket up the charts, if given a radio release.
You chased me down and finished the race.
I was blind but now I see.
Jesus, you kept the faith in me.
And I could go on. But why would you want to listen to me ramble when you could listen to the real thing?
I have three (THREE!) copies of "Empty and Beautiful" to give away. Just leave me a comment on this entry, and I'll draw three random names this Saturday, June 7.
Of course, if you don't want to wait, you can go here to buy the CD for just $9.97. (Or download it from iTunes for two cents more.)
And spread the word! Just no bananas, please. This contest is open to humans only.