You're Killing Me Here

Notice to all bloggers in my Bloglines account: For the love of all that is pure and caffeinated, would you PLEASE stop writing?

I have been reading like crazy since Friday. I currently have 60 posts where I want to leave comments. And I just checked Bloglines, and I have 57 new posts to read.

That's 57 new posts. On a Sunday.

Seriously, people. It's summer. Go outside. Give a woman a chance to catch up.

That is all.


  1. And just who put those blogs in your bloglines?!

    It's a hard knock life being Miss Popularity. Or so I've heard. :-)

    'Sides, I thought you were the Queen of Baby Eats/Momma Reads.

  2. LOL! I know just how you feel. And yet, I am probably one of those bloggers who hasn't stopped posting.

    I've decided I'll never be caught up unless I just "mark all read" but I can't stand the thought of missing anything, so I just remain hopelessly behind.

  3. Oh, I know. I'm sorry! And just when I thought this week would be a slow one for me, I get a surprise baby shower today with TONS of pics to share... ah!


  4. Totally unrelated and random, but did you take the photo of the tulips on your header? I just noticed it and it's beautiful!!

  5. I know. I never post on Sunday, and I did today.

    And I expect a comment.



  6. We can't help it. We're addicted to posting. As soon as the visitors slow down, we post another entry. It's a sickness.

  7. I know! I would like to declare a week-long internet holiday. My Bloglines account is out of control.

  8. I totally understand, I'm way behind. You could always "accidentally" mark all as read and start with a blank slate. I've considered it, but I'm afraid I'll miss something...

  9. Um, 57 new posts.

    Just how many blogs do you follow?

    You can plead the 5th if you like.

  10. I feel your pain! I've been chipping away at them all afternoon... only 18 more to go! WHEW!

    And I just realized I just left a handful of comments for you. I know you were rushing to reply to them. Just RUSHING. I'll let you off the hook... you don't have to! My gift to you. You're welcome.

  11. I will if you will! LOL! I have over 400 posts to catch up on! Uh, yeah right. hee hee

  12. I know..bring it sista!! Do you want to hear something crazy?? I finally quit with the whole bloglines thing bc I couldn't handle the pressure. So...I'm done with it. :)

    I'm off to play!

  13. I'm doing my part. I think I've written about 4 posts in the last few weeks.

    But that's my modus operandi.

  14. Girl. So many times I looked around this weekend and thought, the only thing missing here is Kelly.

  15. I need to get my bloglines set just motivated me. I'm signed up, but haven't really been using it. Thanks! Oh, and happy reading!


    Stop posting stuff, internet friends. I love you, but I cannot keep up.

  17. I don't even know what bloglines are. I tried writing my first blog about our NYC trip. And, I was trying to cut and paste some text. I highlighted the text and hit control 'C' and then tried to paste it above the picture I added by hitting control 'P' and my 'blog' got posted. Maybe I should read up on blogging before attempting to blog ?? I don't know what bloglines are, and I don't know how to delete my first 'blog' and fix it.

  18. :) You've made me feel so good about my woeful lack of posting lately :)

    Enjoy your break! Summer camp should be fun.

  19. I hear you, sistah! We just got back from a mission trip and I had more than 200 posts on my bloglines. I'm currently down to 64; you were 3 of those! :)

  20. Allergies have gotten the best of me, so I'm stuck inside... blogging. : )

  21. I am trying to work through my google reader and say the same thing. Catching up on blogs is hard work!
