
You are the first
You go before
You are the last
Lord, You're the encore
Your name's in lights
For all to see
The starry hosts
Declare Your glory

Glory in the highest
Glory in the hightest
Glory in the highest

I took this picture tonight standing in my backyard. God's glory in nature is overwhelming to me. Why do we not see it more often? Remove the scales from our eyes, Lord. Tune our ears to hear Your song. You are breathtaking.


  1. I so wish I was your neighbor. :)

    That is absolutely amazing. I would trade the beach anyday for that. Seriously.

    Is your header from your house also?

  2. Woww thats very lovely :D
    I also love youor writing about living for God that's awesome..a perfect resolution ..loving well that is

  3. What a glorious view to see every day. I think it even more perfect that you recognize that all his wonders point to his greatness...

  4. Okay, am I the only one who is going to admit I AM JEALOUS?? :)) Just kidding..

    I Love this picture and wonder you were in awe..that kind of scene will just stop a girl dead in her tracks!

  5. Thanks for the lovely view and viewpoint!

  6. I thought only in Africa do we have such wonderful breath taking sunsets and sunrises, that was beautiful. His splendor is so magnificant, all I can do is bow down and say Holy is His name. I love your blog site.
    love always Me

  7. I thought at first that was a professional photo. AMAZING!
