Drunk with Joy

I owe you a birth story.

Every day, I wake up and think, "Today's the day! First thing this morning, I'm going to get to that computer and type out exactly what happened on May 7, 2010."

And then Kieran wakes up. (That's his name, by the way.) So I nurse him and (as soon as my toes uncurl) I run my fingers through his silky black hair. I kiss his cheeks about a hundred times and then I change an impossibly tiny diaper that has ballooned to a softball. I make sure the kids have their lunches for school and grab a cup of coffee and I jump in the shower. Then Kieran wakes up again and I put on "Dora" for Teyla before I sit down to feed the baby. And then Corey comes home from the morning school run and talks to Kieran while I empty the dishwasher and fold a load of laundry and ohmygoodness it's lunchtime already.

And the next thing you know, it's nighttime and I have just enough time to read a few blogs before I do the whole thing over again.

But here's the thing: It sounds crazy. But it isn't.

It's pure love.

My heart aches from the blessings. I'm wallowing in gratitude.

These lives that we have. They are so precious. So beautiful. And time pushes us forward at an ever-quickening pace.

I try to soak up each minute. And even then, I find that droplets are lost.

So forgive me as I work toward regaining my balance and finding time to write again.

For now, I am drunk with joy.


  1. He's so beautiful!!! I am so glad you are drunk with joy. ;-)

  2. its good to be like that for a few weeks :) btw love the name :)

  3. Aww ... we can wait on the birth story. These moments are all too fleeting. Soak them in. We'll be here when you're ready to write again. Imbibe the joy.

  4. The birth story isn't going anywhere. Enjoy these far-too-fast days when he's tiny. Congratulations again!

  5. They should bottle that good old Babymoon juice. Women everywhere would be drunk on joy ALLA TIME! You enjoy it. You had a baby, everybody's healthy and happy, you're still as sweet and lovey as always and Kieran is gorgeous and snuffly-snug-as-a-bug. That's all the birth story I need until you've got time and heart/mind-space for the nitty-gritties. Hugs, hugs, hugs.

  6. Take your sweet old time and soak up every tiny itty biity second. We can wait - we all understand. Blink = no more babyhood! Congrats again, and I love the name.

  7. I was thinking about you last night and wanted to email you and tease you that I couldn't imagine why you weren't blogging with a newborn and toddler, not to mention 2 other kids.

    Sigh. You & Corey make such pretty babies. I can almost smell that sweet baby smell (not the diaper one!)

  8. Ditto, ditto, 500 times ditto. And a high-pitched "amen" to the uncurling-toes part. (except I don't touch the actual computer -it's all iPhone nursing for me) I look at my day and wonder what happened, and all I know is that I fed the baby. We joke about the old Dunkin Donuts commercial where the baker gets up early saying "time to make the donuts" 3 or 4 days in a row and then he meets himself on the way home saying "I already made the donuts." I just wish I would meet myself saying "I already fed the baby" so I could go back to bed!
    Enjoy these days and don't overdo it! :-)

  9. Oh my goodness, he's just so adorable! Let's add him to the reasons we need to meet IRL. Must.cuddle.baby.

  10. Oh, the precious!! I want to kiss those little cheekies and change a tiny diaper and snuggle the blanketed little person.

    Enjoy that babymoon, Kel, because it IS the most important thing.

  11. Oh! Look at that sweet thing! I just want to sniff his little head! Take your time, take your time!

  12. Love love love his name. And he is so precious! Enjoy these moments, they grow too quickly. We will wait for the story with baited breath, and we will send up prayers for a healthy happy famiy while we wait.
    Enjoy him Kelly!

  13. I felt like I could see the joy bubbling over in your post. So wonderful.
    And don't worry. The birth story can wait until you sober up on sleep deprivation. :-)

  14. I completely understand :)

    He is just adorable. A-DOR-ABLE!

  15. I love his name! Keep drinking. That type of joy is awesome! We'll patiently wait for that birth story.

  16. He is simply gorgeous! Congrats!!!

  17. If you must be drunk, joy's the thing to swig. Drink up!

    We'll be here when the birth story rolls out. In the meantime, enjoy every second with Kieran. He's adorable.

  18. It IS fun when they are so little! I'm glad you are enjoying it so much! I know exactly that feeling. With Jordan, I was exploding with love. With Madison I had a buzz with love. She cried for 6 weeks straight and I didn't sleep but 2 hours at a time for 3 months. Of course, now she's a little angel, sleeping all through the night, even better then her older brother! So happy for you! And, YES, he looks like Corey !!!!

  19. May 7th!?!?
    Then your little bambino shares the same birthday as my (now newly 2-year-old) boy. How lovely!

    Am so looking forward to hearing your birth story, but--take your time, get some sleep, and enjoy every second! We'll wait. :)

  20. Tears are welling in my eyes - he is sooo beautiful! I've been reading your blog for like a year now and it's just awesome to see the joy unfold - keep loving well!

  21. Oh happy, happy news!! He's so beautiful. I'm with you on savoring every last drop. :)

  22. I have to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed your stories. This is a busy and, could be, stressful time in your life and you make it seem peaceful. Enjoy every moment, I can see you are doing that :)

  23. You are doing exactly what you should be doing. Enjoy!!

  24. Gorgeous!

    I totally understand drunk with joy, not to mention the way that you blink and the day is gone. But don't wait too long, or your birth story will become fuzzy around the edges.

    Maybe you can record it for yourself into a voicemail or something until you have time to write it down.

  25. Praying you are continually drunk with joy during these days! Congratulations.
