The Best Mother's Day Ever

Guess what I did this weekend?

I had a baby.

Turns out, he wanted to be born on Friday so he could come home and celebrate Mother's Day with the rest of the family.

He's the best gift.

(Although I really like my ceramic painted heart and handmade coupon book too.)

Full story forthcoming, of course, hopefully in the very near future.
For now, I at least wanted to stop in and share my joy abundant.

(Anyone else suddenly hungry for Mexican?)


  1. Many happy returns on that Mother's Day present. He is gor-geous! In that future manly look at my muscles way. What a sweet picture of all your loved ones gathered around. Congrats.

  2. What a wonderful Mothers' Day gift! He looks perfect! Can't wait to hear more about him. :)

  3. Wheeeee Kelly! Congratulations - he is darling! Hope you are feeling good. Can't wait to read more about him! Take care of yourself and again - Congrats!

  4. So Exciting! he picked a perfect day. congratulations!!

  5. Happy Mother's Day to a happy mother! I love that he went ahead and called the shots, despite the best laid plans. I simply cannot! wait! to! cuddle! him!

    Congratulations, friend.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am SO SO excited to hear and see your precious new baby!!! Can't wait to hear the story, and the stats, and the name!! ;-)

  7. I love those dark haired babies!

  8. OK, I know everyone's giving you these nice (and warrented) congratulations, but I'M DYING OVER HERE!!!!! NAME! NAME! NAME! NAME!!!!! (Who's with me?!)

  9. Oh, joyous, joyous celebration! Heartiest congratulations to you all—and like the above commenter, I'm DYING to hear the name! And the birth story!

  10. {insert shriek} Woohoo! What fun. He is absolutely adorable. Look at all that hair! Love the one of you and all 4 kids. Teyla even looks delighted. Ah, ignorance is bliss. She has no idea how her life has just changed! LOL

  11. He is beautiful! I say we just pre-arrange a marriage for him and Lucy.

  12. Oh, yay! I was just thinking about you this afternoon. He's got a head of hair on him! Congratulations! I look forward to hearing the whole story, hopefully it will tide me over as I wait for my own little guy (4 more weeks)!

  13. Congratulations, he is beautiful!! And he looks big, how much did he weigh? That hair is fabulous!

  14. He's so beautiful! I absolutely love the full head of hair. Thanks for sharing your precious little burrito with us. : )

  15. Congratulations! I am a relatively new reader but I love your blog so far. What a sweet little family you have! God bless you!

  16. A-DOR-A-BLE! He is so cute! And I'm with Mindy - What's his name?!!!

  17. I'm so thrilled to see him and that gorgeous head of hair! You look amazing, and the picture of you with all FOUR of your kids brought tears to my eyes. Now, what's his name?!

  18. He's perfection, Kelly. And you're awesome, Facebooking and Twittering and now blogging! So great to have been able to "track" his arrival like Santa. Enjoy him - I know you are. Everyone looks very happy and content. Happy Mother's Day to you, a day late.

  19. Congratulations! What a wonderful early Mother's Day gift.

  20. yay! i was so not expecting this post when i stopped by today. congratulations! he looks absolutely delicious.

  21. Yes, that is a perfect way to celebrate Mother's Day!

  22. A wonderful Mother's Day, indeed! Congratulations! He is beautiful!

  23. De-lurking to say congratulations!! He's a doll. : )

  24. So excited for you! I was following on Twitter! But I don't think I've heard the name yet.. ?


  25. Congrats Kelly :) I cant wait to here about it all. I am sure its the best mothers' day gift ever!

  26. congratulations. he is absolutely cute. he sure came in at the right time.take care

  27. Yay!!

    But yeah, what's up with torturing us with pictures and no name? I think you just forgot, right?

    Althogh, you better not get your birth story up before mine!

  28. YAAY! What lovely lovely news. He is adorable of course. Um...did you forget to tell us something? I doubt you're really going to call him Lovewell--he'll get teased a lot if you do. (The name, woman! What's his NAME?)
    Can't wait to hear all the deets. :)

  29. He is beautiful! And so perfect! Congratulations! Now tell us his name!

  30. YEAH! Kelly, congratulations! Welcome to the momma-of-4 club. :)

  31. I love him. Congratulations! (Seriously, what is his name?)

  32. Congratulations! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift. I have been lurking on your blog for awhile now after finding it through Mrs. Hawk (and as it turns out, you worked at camp with my husband). Now seems like the perfect time to come out of the shadows and wish you and your family the best.

  33. Congratulations--so glad to hear it went safely and well for both of you. He's adorable!

  34. Congratulations! I've been coming by the last few days, just waiting for the announcement. So happy for your family and what an amazing Mother's Day gift. Blessings to you and your family! Can't wait to hear the "story" and how big he ended up being. :)

  35. Oh, Kelly, Congratulations! So happy you are both home and well and what an amazing Mothers day present.
    Big Hugs.
    God Bless!

  36. KELLLLLYYYYYYYYYY! Just now catching up on blog reading. SO HAPPY for you!!! How absolutely wonderful.

    I cannot wait to hear the whole story.

    In the meantime - happy babymooning! ♥♥♥

  37. That is TOTALLY the best Mother's Day gift ever!!! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more about him!!!

  38. Oh friend, he is gorgeous. You are gorgeous. I am tearing up just looking at the pictures. What a precious, precious gift.

  39. oh, that last comment truly did make me giggle out loud. YES, i'm starving!!

    he's precious. what a perfect mother's day weekend!

  40. So cute! Best mother's day gift ever :)

  41. Ahhh, deep sigh.

    So much beauty and love in all those photos. You are one blessed mama.

  42. Oh my goodness, that last line is such a crack up. I love you.

    And that boy? Yes, what a beautiful gift!!!

    Congratulations, friend. SO happy for you guys.

  43. Oh my gosh, he's gorgeous! I hope you and your family are adjusting well!

    Sending you tons of love your way.

  44. Congratulations! He is beautiful! How big was he?

  45. Finally stopping in to see His Royal Cuteness.

  46. Oh, Kelly. He is so beautiful. That hair! All my babies were bald when they were born. The best Mother's Day ever, indeed. Congratulations again. What a blessing from the Giver of all good things...

  47. A little late, but still, Congratulations! He is precious.
