Too Much Blog Reading = No Time to Blog

It's a gray, cool, drizzly morning here in the Northern Midwest. Mornings like this demand that I take a giant mug of coffee, spiked with toffee nut cream, directly to my computer so I can catch up on my blog reading. (While in my pajamas, naturally.)

The problem with reading so many great blog posts at once is I'm simultaneously inspired and silenced. I find reading expressive, witty, authentic prose makes me fall in love with writing -- and fellow writers -- all over again. Yet it leaves me with no voice of my own.

Luckily, I have a piece up at 5 Minutes for Parenting today. (Which was written last night, before the blog feast.) If you have a house full of children right now, I bet you can relate to it.

In the meantime, I'm off to Target to shop for school supplies. Maybe I can find my inner muse between the glue sticks and the folders.


  1. There is nothing like elbowing your way through 500 people trying to get at the 22 cent erasers with three small children in tow to help awaken your inner muse.

  2. Ahhh yes...the lovely Target run to inspire. lol

    I get like that. Feel so affected by someones writing that I can't write myself.

  3. And that "full house" sentiment is why - this very minute - my husband is slaving away in extreme heat, putting up our first ever playset/ playhouse. Lovely post.

  4. I feel like I have the worst writer's blog right now!
    and no Target in Canada, either. Sadness!

  5. As senseless as it sounds, I haven't been taking in enough of my favorite blogs, or even taking the time to discover new ones. I'm trying now though - and that's what I'm doing here!

    And we're big fans of Target as well.
