Curious Kelly

So I'm over at 5 Minutes for Parenting today, ranting about the FDA trying to take away my kids' cold medicine. I don't rant often these days, because after years of ranting, I found it did little besides raise my blood pressure and focus my attention on things that don't fit the Philippians 4:8-9 criteria. (Northwest Airlines, for example, is not noble or reputable. Neither is the check-out cashier who was unspeakably rude to me.) But I couldn't hold this one in. It chapped my hide.

But now ... I'll let it go. Deep cleaning breath. Aaaaaand exhale. Because as Bok Choy taught me, "If I hold on to my anger, my anger will hold on to me."

Plus, I have more important things to attend to today. Mainly, Bloglines appears to be permanently hosed. I'm considering switching to Google Reader. (By the way, did you know I know one of the top guys at Google? I do. He worked with me at NBC. Incredibly smart, good-looking guy. He went to Google before they went public. I believe he's what's known as a gazillionaire these days. Hey Adam, if you feel like buying a house on a lake in Minnesota, call me. I'll totally hook you up.)

Wait. Where was I? Oh yes. Google Reader. If you use a blog feed service, which one do you use? Do you favor one over the others? And if you use Bloglines, have you also noticed a certain lack of quality service lately?

Not that I'm ranting about this! I'm just stating the obvious.


  1. First off, I heartily agree on the cold medicine. If I can help my child sleep, I'd like to do that.

    Second, I am a google reader. Since I do freelance work and have a gmail account for it, my gmail is open all day. Now I just open up the reader too. So throughout the day I can catch blogs as they're written. This is nice. And awful. Sometimes I have trouble prioritizing. "I'll work on that job after I read just one more blog." Yeah right.

  2. Bloglines has given me fits for several weeks, which is why I made the switch to Google reader this morning.

    The last straw was when it wouldn't pick up Rocks in my Dryer. I mean, seriously, the nerve!!!

  3. I switched over from bloglines to google reader several months ago (for no reason) but I am loving Google reader!

  4. Oh yes, Google Reader all the way!

  5. I rant about the cold medicine thing quite often. Especially these days. COLD season days.
    I use Google Reader, but I don't know how great it is because it's all I know, nothing to compare it to. I can say that I don't have any complaints. Oh wait. Sometimes it takes a really long time for new posts to actually show up. Other times they appear immediately. I suppose that's normal? Anyway, I'm really not helping so I'll stop now :)

  6. Google Reader, yes indeed has saved my life. It was makin me crazy clicking on the links in my blogroll multiple times a day until they were uipdated.

    What, you don't think the government should control what you can buy? While we're at it, can I gripe about the hassle required just to buy a package of Sudafed these days? Ridiculous.

  7. I've always had Google Reader. No complaints so far.

    But I have PLENTY of complaints about the new FDA rulings on cold medicine.

  8. Bloglines causes me anxiety. But setting up a new reader thing causes me greater anxiety.

  9. I use BlogLines, and I thought it was weird that absolutely NO ONE I follow posted a thing today! I get leary about switching things that I'm totally comfortable with, and tend to be (maybe) a bit more patient than some. But if things like this continue, I will consider switching to something else.

  10. I did a post on this, and I'm pretty sure it was unanimously Google Reader that was recommended, so I switched. It does work better, I do prefer it, and the only thing I don't like is that I have to either scroll down a post or manually click on "mark read"--it doesn't mark it read simply because I click on the title, like Bloglines did. But then, that does seem secondary to, you know, ACTUALLY READING THE FEEDS. (Sorry, apparently there's still a little rant left in me.)

  11. Funny you should ask... I was just looking at my Bloglines with no posts marked in it, after a day, thinking, "I should try Google Reader".

    But it does make me a little bit jumpy to think about learning something new.

    And, Cold Medicine... I'll need to go read your rant. We don't do cold medicine here too much, mostly because I hate taking it myself cuz it makes me feel so loopy, so I don't give it to my kids, just cuz I don't think about it. Maybe I should start?

  12. Google reader here too, and love it. Of course, I've never used any other reader so I have no frame of reference...

  13. I'm here via your cold medicine post, and I generally can't stand it when the govt tries to tell me anything about how to raise my kids.

    On another note, I LOVE your tagline! I might adopt it as my own little motto in life. Very positive. Thanks!

  14. Well, that answers it - I jst thought my computer had gone wonky. Apparently it was Bloglines all along!

    I haven't thought about switching, but I guess I would consider it...

  15. Not that I would ever use this, of course, but a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of juice, and 1 tblsp (or less) of brandy does the same thing.

    I'm just sayin'.

    Google reader, all the way.

  16. I recently started using Google Reader and I LOVE it!

    And I totally agree on the cold meds, btw.

  17. I love my Google Reader! And- I have my Google page personalized, which means that even though I doubt I could pull up blogger while at school, I can open my page and log in, and see if I have any new blog entries! Love it!

    Hmm, A bummer about the cold medicine. Hard to see them being so miserable, but have no tools to help! And hey- we turned out okay, didn't we?

  18. I'd don't think my blog addiction would be this strong if it wasn't for Google Reader. It makes keeping track of all the blogs I love, like and may want to read so easy.

  19. I guess I'm the only one so far who uses the reader in Flock, the new browser. I like it, but I didn't have much experience with Bloglines when I switched, and I've never used Google Reader.

    But it's working well for me.

  20. Hi Kelly. I am here from Mer's blog, saying hi.

    I have used Google Reader for about 3 months now, and for the most part, it works great.

    Sorry about your baby's cold! Blessings, Gretchen

  21. Kelly...I switched to Google reader back in August. Just seems to work more consistently for me.

  22. I'm a bit late to respond . . . I use bloglines and was about to switch, when all the sudden my posts showed up! I'm staying there for now :)
