
The frost catches me by surprise.

Living lace peaks from the corners of my window panes. It highlights each strand of grass, sparkles on the neighbor's roof, grows in my lungs when I breathe deep of the crisp morning air.

The sun glow pink behind the fir trees, and my toes glow pink from the chill of the frozen bricks.

It is morning in November.

I think it odd that the frost delayed its appearance until now, so late in the fall, after so many cold nights.

Then I remember: the clouds. For weeks, they've lingered, thick and numbing.

Frost rarely grows without the light of the moon glittering like a diamond in the darkness.

I inhale deep. The sharpness of clarity etches me.

And like the frost, I catch the sun.

Linking up with Amber's abstraction on frost and Heather's call to Just Write, because this piece from one of my favorite abstract-and-writerly friends cleared the fog in my soul and let light shine on me like hope.


  1. Love this, love especially "like the frost, I catch the sun." Isn't Amber's wonderful. Enjoying meeting and writing with folks there.

  2. Hi dear Kelly
    I am so glad you joined us at Amber's. I love the description of the living lace at your window panes. I call it petticoat -and-panty lace (those French ones, mind you).
    Blessings and much love to you

  3. Loved this. The pic looks like some green beans that have been in the freezer too long!

    It's chilly here today - we were down in the upper thirties this morning! - and I've got a pot of chicken tortilla soup bubbling on the stove.

  4. I love this. Even though I've lived in MN all my life, the first frost and snow always catch me by surprise. Lovely writing.
