Mail Call

I got a card in the mail yesterday.

In the midst of the grocery store ads that go straight to the recycling, the Family Fun issue with the Fourth of July cover that makes me feel guilty that I haven't even read the Easter edition yet, right next to the bills and the Athleta catalog and my college's alumni magazine.

A card.

It was from a sweet friend who just wanted to bless me (she did) and make me smile (I did).

In fact, I will smile every time I look at it, because you better believe it's going right next to my kitchen window, where the love from that piece of paper will warm me as regularly as the sun.

So. You know what I'm doing today? (Between diaper changes and hiding all the tubes of toothpaste from Kieran and making lunch and playing fairies with Teyla?)

Sending some cards.

They aren't going to be profound and they will probably be a little wordy since paper doesn't have a backspace button and they might not even be legible, since my carpal tunnel rears its head when I try to hold a pen for more than five seconds and turns my hand into a claw.

But I bet the people who pull them out of their mailboxes in a few days will know I love them.

And that's what it's all about.

(I might also send a letter to my Compassion and World Vision kids today. Did you know you can do that online now? So easy.)


  1. Getting real mail is always a treat! I don't send out cards nearly as often as I should. My grandma used to send out a few cards or letters EVERY day- she amazed me.

  2. A piece of paper that will warm me as regularly as the sun! ~so true! ~CA

  3. Every January I decide to write notes every month that year to all my dear friends around the country, but I always fail miserably. Receiving mail is one of my favorite things, and I need to send more of it!

  4. Oh, how I love the snail mail...and that Abby-girl!

  5. I made it a new years resolution a few years back to send handwritten cards to friends/family for anniversaries and birthdays, and succeeded for my first year in 2011....the response has been overwhelming on how it touches people to recieve a card on their special day....and how people start to look forward to things like that!

    I know your cards will bless those who recieve them greatly!!!

  6. What a good idea. People don't send enough cards!

  7. I was likewise blessed :)

    And I canceled my Family Fun subscription purely due to the guilt factor.
