The Rizers

I know I'm posting a lot lately -- if I keep up with 31 Days of Sabbath and post every day this month, I will have posted more in October than I did the entire first half of the year.

But my excitement is such that I must interrupt regularly scheduled broadcasting to share this.

I have memorized 14 Bible verses in the last two weeks. Even better -- MY KIDS have memorized 14 Bible verses in the last two weeks.

How? Two weeks ago, I downloaded The Rizers new album, Rise Up. And viola. Memorization complete.

Who are The Rizers, you ask? Well, have you heard of Seeds Family Worship? Bible verses set to music? It's a simple concept that holds great potential. But like a superpower, if not properly controlled, it can go very wrong. The key is -- it must be done RIGHT for the kids to want to listen to it AND for the parents to put up with it.

In my opinion, both Seeds and The Rizers fit that bill. The biggest difference is style of music. If Seeds is Chris Tomlin, The Rizers are Newsboys. Or maybe The Bangles. Think pop rock with an 80s twist. Infectious. Fun. Loud. These songs are so catchy, I listen to them when the kids aren't even in the car. And I may have made track 1 my October Siesta Memory Challenge verse.

You know how much I like The Rizers? I'm going to give away a copy of Rise Up. Using my own allowance money. Just because I want to. Leave me a comment here if you're interested. I'll draw a winner in a week.

Or, if you want to sample or buy their music for yourself, right now, without waiting, you can get it on iTunes or Amazon.

And then, I dare you not to sing along.

(I kid you not. Right now, as I'm writing this, Natalie is in the next room working on her homework and singing Bible verses under her breath. Suh-weet!)

(Do I even need to add that I am not being compensated in any way for this post or this giveaway? I'm just doing it because I had to share. And I'm sanguine. This is what we do.)

CONTEST CLOSED: The winner is Sarah at 32 Flavors! Thanks for entering, everyone, and by all means, buy this CD even if you didn't win! It will make a great Christmas present.


  1. Aw, yeah! We had a similar thing when I was a kid, G.T. and the Halo Express. It was a half hour story with all the songs being Bible verses. I can STILL sing some of them! (and I'm saving to buy the set for my boys because I WOULD be willing to listen to them again!)
    But any other ones that are highly recommended... well, sign me up please! :)

  2. I hadn't heard of them before, but this sounds right up my son's alley! Thanks for the entry!

    oneformywin [at] gmail [dot] com

  3. Love this! We were just listening to Bullfrogs & Butterflies today - and, oh man, I would LOVE to have something more modern.

  4. I'm headed to check it out..but that sound right up our alley!

  5. Ooh, pick me pick me!
    My husband heard in a class once that the reason the Aryan heresy spread so far so quickly was because of the music it created. The music stuck in people's heads and spread the message.
    (But clearly here it's being used for good!)

  6. I grew up on scripture in song played on the record player (totally dating myself here) and still remember so many of the verses. It would be lovely to give my kids something a little more current. Am putting this on the Christmas list right now.

  7. What a great giveaway! I love Seeds, and we'd love another resource for all of us to encourage memorization!

  8. We could sure use that at our house!

  9. This would be awesome. We have the first CD and love it. I can't wait to get the next one!

  10. I'm a huge fan of SEEDS and have all of their cds, but I just heard of the Rizers a couple of weeks ago. I would LOVE to win and add them to our playlist! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

  11. Ooh, this looks fantastic.. if I don't win I'm going to put them on my kids' Christmas list! :)

  12. They sound great and the songs are so catchy! Thanks for the chance to win their new cd!

  13. I would love to win this. My kids would love it
