Entertaining Angels

If there is a Pinterest standard for Easter, I failed completely this year.

I didn't dye eggs with the kids. I didn't get new clothes for anyone. I didn't buy any candy besides a couple of boxes of Trader Joe's jelly beans which are still sitting in a drawer in the kitchen. (OK, confession: And a couple of boxes of Peeps, which are now unwrapped and getting stale and chewy for me, which is the only way to eat a Peep, and don't try to tell me otherwise.)

I didn't even do Easter baskets. I didn't have enough candy to make them look respectable, and I had no stomach to go shopping just to fill the baskets. So I left them tucked in the storage area with my mommy guilt.

I'd like to spiritualize my laziness by saying, "We just focused on Jesus this year." But it seems wrong to add deceit to sloth.

But you know what? It was still a great holiday. Both because the truth of the resurrection doesn't need bunnies to make it better. And because we were invited to Easter dinner by a family in our church.

Never underestimate the value of hospitality.

Because this family hails from Canada, they have no extended family within driving distance. So they open their home on holidays to other "orphans" so no one has to celebrate alone. When Dana asked if we would want to join them for Easter this year, I said yes right away.

Corey and I did the same thing when we were newlyweds living in San Diego. Having neither the money nor the vacation time to fly home very holiday, we simply opened our house up to anyone else who might not have family nearby. (And to be clear, that's almost everyone. Very few people living in Southern California are from Southern California.) Thanksgiving was our favorite. We would host a potluck for somewhere between four and sixteen people. We would play Nertz and watch football and eat way too much food and it never mattered if the dishes matched (they didn't) or the centerpiece was crafty (it wasn't) or if no one could ever beat Corey at Nertz (we didn't). It was a shared holy day, a day to be together and be thankful for the moments when friends become family.

To be clear, Dana's Easter table was not only beautiful, but it would have passed any Pinterest test.
She is a gracious hostess (I hope her laptop recovers from the many times we found Kieran banging on it) and the food was amazing and the kids reveled in an outdoor egg hunt with friends.

But it wasn't the trappings of Sunday that left me with a glow. It was the spirit. By entertaining us, Dana and her family fed our souls with heaping portions of love and acceptance and community.

You can't Pinterest that.


  1. Love this, Kelly! So glad you could experience someone else's hospitality this Easter. And I completely agree about Peeps- they've gotta be stale.

    1. I love meeting fellow stale-Peep enthusiasts. Fresh Peeps are disgusting!

  2. I'm so glad you found surrogate grandparents.

    We had some friends invite us over like this, "We'd like to invite you to dinner, because once we had four kids, no one invited us to dinner anymore." it's so true!

    1. Just so I don't make Dana feel old: These aren't grandparents. They are our age (or younger). More like surrogate aunts/uncles/cousins.

      But so true! We are doubly blessed that she invited us WITH four kids, because we had the most of any family there.

  3. Stale peep lovers unite!!!

    I totally felt the same way about Easter. I didn't decorate and didn't take anything but deviled eggs to my mom's (btw - I just realized that was a totally inappropriate appetizer for Easter - ha!). However, my sister whipped up a fancy "tablescape," my mom threw some food together, and the random family that attended connected over food and pool time. It may not have felt normal, but it was just as lovely.

    Glad your afternoon restored your soul a little. : )

  4. I *heart* stale peeps too. Oh, and fresh ones. And, well, I have a Peeps Easter basket. I love them.

  5. Dana is a wonderful hostess and I'm so glad you were blessed by her hospitality!!!

  6. And just for solidarity's sake, I must tell you that in church on Sunday someone asked my son, "Did the Easter Bunny visit your house?"

    and he replied, "No but that was just how I wished it."

    I breathed a sigh of relief. Trader Joes Jellybeans for all!!!

  7. This is our favorite way to do any holiday...or meal for that matter. There is something sacred about coming, as you are, to any table with a group of friends. We just hope one day to share a table with you IRL!
    Chris Ann & Kristin

  8. What a great idea! I love that. :) Maybe I can do that for other families one day... Glad you had a great Easter, baskets or not.

  9. Tears as I remember the joy of those Thanksgivings. God blessed us through your hospitality many times over.
