Jeans: It's What I'm Wearing

Does anyone know the Spanish word for denim?

Because that's pretty much the essence of Fashion Fiesta at Love Well.

(By the way, if you're here on the tour, ignore the sleet and snow outside my virtual window. I know a fiesta is supposed to be a celebration of warmth and sunshine and margaritas. But I live in Minnesota, and today, we're enduring yet another winter storm. Yo quiero global warming.)


I love my jeans. I esteem them highly. I wear them 6.5 days a week, varying only on Sundays -- when I might wear black or brown dress pants to church -- and the days when I have to do laundry -- when I wear my black yoga pants.

Don't believe me?

Me and my daughter on my birthday.

Me and my older children dishing up hot fudge cake on Valentine's Day.

Even when I'm pregnant, I'm wearing jeans.

Under the snow pants? Jeans.

You get the idea. I love that my jeans are comfortable, durable and able to stand up to baby spit-up without showing the goober marks. I almost always buy my jeans at Old Navy, because I first found stretchy jeans at Old Navy five plus years ago, and I never looked back.

You could say I'm loyal. Either that, or I don't really like to shop.

Plus, Old Navy jeans are cheap inexpensive, so I don't feel bad when I buy a new pair every season. (Warning: Wearing cheap inexpensive jeans 6.5 days a week will cause said jeans to look shabby quickly. Take action before Clinton Kelly finds you.)

But since jeans aren't all that exciting, and I do have a few pictures of some of my favorite non-denim outfits, how about I show you those before we call it a fiesta?

(Why do I suddenly feel like Dora the Explorer? "Do you want to see my clothes? You do? Great!")

This is me and my siblings at my brother's graduation last spring. This outfit might make it into the Top 10 favorite outfits of my life, mostly because I love that color green. Also because I love that scarf. My husband got it for me in Indonesia, and it's silky and a little shimmery and gorgeous.

I also have a love affair with funky jewelry. This shirt is a great color, but check out that necklace! Isn't it cool?

Of course, these days, my fashion accessories trend more toward the warm and moist.

And that's just fine with me. Because, let's face it -- she looks great with denim.


  1. I'm a jean lover too...nothings better :) Your baby in the last pic is absolutely adorable!!

  2. Jeans Rule.

    And I'm thinking it is about time for another round of Teyla pictures...

  3. I love that last shot!

    You look awesome in jeans!

  4. Precious! Love the last pic! I'm a jeans girl too. What would I do without them?

  5. Oh, you really do know how to accessorize! Great post. I love the Old Navy jeans too.

  6. I'm a jeans girl too. Somehow, I have given birth to a child who hates jeans. Will not wear them. She's 4 now and I have given up trying to convince her to wear jeans...or pants...I just buy casual skirts with shorts underneath and she lives in those. I just don't understand how that happened. :-)

  7. Your baby is adorable! Great fashion, too.

  8. Great pictures Kelly. Jeans are great aren't they. Oh I love the mother-daughter pic.

  9. You are TOO cute! And I am a fellow jeans devotee. Come see my collection on my FAshion Fiesta post!

  10. I'd wear that baby anytime!!

    Jeans are great. I'm wearing jean capris right now. Almost put on long jeans this morning.

    We're having a cool front, you see, and it's only supposed to be around 73 today.

    As opposed to 90 like yesterday. :-)

    Enjoy that snow!

  11. Yes, great jeans! You look great!

    Oh the baby is adorable!

  12. You are so, so pretty! I do like your taste in clothes and jewelry, for sure. And that last pic with you holding the baby and the camera? That looks like one you see in a magazine. You are awesome.

  13. Yup. Me a jean-er, too.

    Cute pictures! Love the one of you sitting in the snow-covered lawn chair.

  14. Baby as fashion accessory? Love it!

    You are right about the jeans, they are the best. I don't know how woman in "the old days" lived without a good pair o' jeans...

  15. I'm really liking that pink and white thing on your shoulder. I used to have 5 of those --

  16. Hey - - - I see your fridge in the background of one of those photos - - - looks full of "stuff" just like mine. Maybe someone should host a "show your fridge" day!!!

    What a darling family you have.

  17. I wish I could be as slim as you are!! You look great! And your family is adorable!

  18. I absolutely love jeans too... I don't know what I would do without them. Your kids are precious!

  19. Yet one more thing we totally have in common.

    So I'm assuming you aren't gone on your trip yet??


  20. There is nothing wrong with jeans. They are your friend and you look so cute in them!

    I think the last accessory is my favorite. So sweet.

  21. I am a jean gal myself.

    That last picture makes my heart melt!

  22. Long live the denim! And wear that cute baby as an accessory for as long as she will let you. Oh- an can I just tell you how much I loved the Dora reference?

  23. How I tried to leave this blog without correcting my typo in my previous post! But the former English teacher in me just couldn't take the fact that it looks like a misused article. previous comment should have said "AND can" intead of "an can". Hopefully your OCD tendency will allow you to appreciate the need for this correction:)

  24. Jeans are great! I'm an Old Navy jeans girl myself. I need a new pair right now as my pre-baby jeans don't look quite right.

    Your baby girl is absolutely precious!

  25. I'm with you on the jeans...all time favorite thing to wear. I've never tried Old Navy...I'll have to check those out. You are positively adorable. Your pics are precious! = )

  26. I LOVE jeans too! Right now, at 20 wks preggo, my maternity jeans have become my best friends. So comfy!
    I'm a pants kinda gal at church too. I've never been much into skirts, especially since I'm in the nursery most of the time.
    My favorite jeans are ana from JCPenney.. they're great for a woman with hips.. and I happen to be one of those! :)

  27. I'm all about the jeans, too.

    Love the picture of you with your kiddos all dressed up. Beautiful!

  28. Last pic adorable - the cutest accessory ever!

    I too live in jeans. thanks for sharing in the fiesta.

  29. Yes, baby and jean! Imagine doing a catwalk in that ensemble!

  30. What a great look into your daily life! Love that last photo, too!

    I'm with you. I could live in my jeans!

  31. Jeans...they are what I'm wearing! Thanks for the look into your closet and that necklace is really cool!

  32. That last picture is sooooo sweet. Makes me want to accessorize with a baby, too.

  33. Kelly, you are just beautiful, girl!!!!!

  34. Love my jeans too! And your last pic? Made me miss my babies when they were babies...

  35. You look so fun--I'd love to have you over for an afternoon to talk and relax and let the kids play in the backyard!

  36. First time here; I keep seeing your name everywhere. ;) That last photo just absolutely won my award for yummiest fashion fiesta post. SO sweet!

  37. From Indonesia? That is really cool (I am from Indonesia)! I found this blog just today from Et-tu.
